Does Golf Mess Up Baseball Swing?

Many professional baseball players enjoy golf as an off-season hobby. Atlanta Braves rookie pitcher Bryce Elder was a multi-sport athlete in high school, playing both baseball and golf competitively. While golf can be a fun diversion, some argue it can mess up mechanics for baseball’s swing. The golf swing requires different muscle memory and mechanics than batting. This has sparked debate over whether recreational golf helps or harms performance for pro baseball players. This article will analyze the impacts of golf on baseball swing technique and performance. We’ll overview perspectives from players, coaches and experts on both sides of the debate.

Muscle Memory

Baseball Players Wear Arm Sleeves

Muscle memory plays an important role in developing consistent swings for both baseball and golf. Through repetition, the brain and muscles learn to perform motions automatically without conscious thought.

However, the swinging motions used in golf and baseball are quite different. Baseball requires a level rotational swing to drive the bat through the zone, while golf employs an upright swinging motion with wrist action to strike the ball.

Trying to perfect two different muscle memory patterns could potentially lead to interference, resulting in inconsistent movements. Evidence suggests that learning a new motor skill can degrade the memory and performance of a previously learned skill.

Some experts argue baseball and golf swings do not necessarily conflict since the movements occur in different planes using distinct muscles. But overlapping muscle groups like the shoulders, core and hips are worked differently. Ultimately, consistently rehearsing the separate motions is key to developing independent muscle memory.

Pros Who Play Golf

Many pro baseball players enjoy golf as a hobby in the offseason. Some well-known golf enthusiasts include Kris Bryant, Max Scherzer, and Clayton Kershaw.

Kris Bryant in particular is an avid golfer who has participated in pro-am competitions. On his Instagram account, Bryant frequently posts about his golf outings. When asked about balancing both sports, Bryant said “Golf helps take my mind off baseball in the off-season and working on my golf swing forces me to focus on the intricacies of a motion and use good body mechanics”.

Other players argue golf can negatively impact a baseball swing. Pitcher Max Scherzer stated that the difference in mechanics has caused him to struggle at times when picking up a bat after a golf-filled offseason.

Overall, most pros believe recreational golf is fine in moderation. It provides a mental break and cross-training benefits. However, overdoing the golf swing or neglecting to practice baseball mechanics can lead to bad habits carrying over between the two sports. Most recommend sticking to just a few rounds of golf per week during vacation periods.

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Swing Analysis

Golf Swing

One key difference between the golf swing and baseball swing is the angles and torque generated throughout the motion. As noted by GolfWRX forums, a good baseball swing utilizes an open stance early on and maintains wrist angles through impact, creating more of a sweeping slice motion. The golf swing, in contrast, requires staying closed initially before releasing the club with optimal wrist action.

Working with a hitting coach to analyze video of your swing side-by-side with an ideal swing can illuminate where inconsistencies arise. They may spot issues like coming over the top in your golf swing, likely a product of the rotational patterns ingrained from baseball. Likewise, they can pinpoint areas in your baseball swing that could benefit from certain positions mimicked from golf. Tweaking elements like grip, alignment, hip turn, and wrist action can help ingrain the proper motor patterns for each sport.

Monitoring torque and clubhead/bat speeds generated can also indicate where your body defaults to baseball or golf-specific moves. The two sports place different demands on the kinetic chain, so certain muscles may be overactive or weak when transitioning between them. Physical limitations or technical flaws get exposed under scrutiny by a trained eye. Making swing adjustments under guidance lessens the conflict between your baseball and golf mechanics.

Fatigue and Stamina

Playing multiple sports like golf and baseball can lead to muscle fatigue, especially in the legs and core. Switching between the two sports uses similar muscles in different ways, which can cause overuse injuries if not properly managed. Research shows that fatigue in the core and legs can negatively impact throwing mechanics and performance in baseball.

However, golf may also provide active rest for baseball players if properly balanced. Walking the course engages the legs and core without taxing the throwing muscles. This cross-training effect could strengthen muscles and prevent overuse injuries. Proper rest and recovery practices, like hydration, diet, and sleep, can also mitigate fatigue. Overall, playing both sports requires monitoring effort and allowing adequate rest between activities. With smart training, golf and baseball can complement each other rather than lead to injury.

Mental Approach

The mental approach required in golf is much different than in baseball. Baseball requires sharp focus and concentration for short bursts of time, while golf demands sustained concentration over a long period.

Golf also involves more solitary time and self-reflection, whereas baseball relies on teamwork and communication. As pro golfer Jack Nicklaus said, “Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.”

Many top pros argue that golf can actually improve baseball players’ mental games. The concentration and patience required in golf forces players to sharpen their focus.

“Playing golf definitely helps me mentally in baseball. Having to concentrate for 4 or 5 hours straight on the course transfers over to the field,” said Max Scherzer, MLB star pitcher.

The individual nature of golf teaches accountability. If a golfer hits a bad shot, they can’t blame it on a teammate like in baseball. This accountability sharpens the mind. The mental toughness built through golf can clearly translate to advantages on the baseball diamond.

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Balancing Both Sports

Golf vs Baseball

It can be challenging to balance practicing and playing two sports that require a high degree of skill, coordination, and muscle memory like golf and baseball.

Here are some tips for effectively scheduling time for both:

  • Prioritize skill work based on the season. During baseball season, spend more time refining your swing and doing baseball-specific training. In golf season, focus more on your golf game.

  • Take advantage of the off-season for each sport to work on skills for the other. Use the fall and winter after baseball season ends to improve your golf swing. Similarly, use the time after golf season ends in the late fall to focus on baseball skills.

  • Schedule practice sessions strategically around games and matches to maximize rest and recovery. Avoid overtraining muscles needed for both sports like the hips and core.

  • Incorporate general athletic conditioning that benefits both golf and baseball, like rotational power exercises.

  • Focus practice time on the weaknesses and problem areas for each sport. Spending 30 minutes a day working on your golf short game may help more than hitting balls on the range for hours.

Proper planning allows dual sport athletes to excel at both golf and baseball through the seasons. Dedicate focused practice to the in-season sport while maintaining skills for the off-season sport.

Expert Opinion

Many baseball coaches and doctors believe that golf can actually help a baseball swing rather than hurt it. According to hitting coach Steve Smith, “Having a good golf swing and practicing it regularly helps baseball players develop a compact, rotational swing that maximizes power”.

Doctor James Andrews, the renowned orthopedic surgeon for many Major League Baseball players, states that “playing golf keeps the body athletic and flexible which helps reduce injury for baseball players.”

However, some experts argue that overuse injuries can occur if a player only focuses on golf swings during the baseball offseason. Strength and conditioning coach Mike Reinold explains, “It’s important for baseball players to work on total body strength and mobility rather than just hit golf balls all winter.”

Overall, most experts agree that golf and baseball can complement each other as long as players are smart about their training routines. Maintaining full-body athleticism and avoiding overuse on any one movement pattern is key.

Case Studies

Baseball vs Golf

Former MLB star outfielder Matt Kemp has long been known to be an avid golfer. During the prime of his career with the Los Angeles Dodgers, Kemp was one of the most feared hitters in baseball. He was a perennial MVP candidate and All-Star known for his smooth, powerful swing that produced big home run totals.

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However, Kemp also spent a lot of his free time playing golf and was passionate about the sport. This led some to question whether golf may have negatively impacted his baseball swing mechanics over time. The concern was that the differences in swing plane and mechanics between golf and baseball could potentially cause interference for muscle memory.

While Kemp did experience some decline in performance in the later years of his career, it’s unclear if golf was a significant factor. Many baseball players enjoy golf as a hobby without it negatively affecting their play. The rigor of a full MLB season likely led to general fatigue more than golf messing up his swing. Overall, Kemp serves as an example that it’s possible for pro baseball players to enjoy golf recreationally without major consequences if they continue practicing their core baseball skills.


Based on the analysis in this article, the evidence suggests that playing golf does not inherently mess up a baseball swing. While there are some potential downsides, such as developing conflicting muscle memory or getting fatigued, these can be managed with proper rest and by being mindful about your mechanics. The mental benefits of golf, such as developing concentration and lowering stress, can also help improve baseball performance.

Many great baseball players like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and David Ortiz were avid golfers their whole career with no issues. The key is not overdoing it and allowing time to rest between activities. Proper coaching and monitoring of your swing mechanics in both sports is also essential to identify any bad habits before they become ingrained. As long as you take precautions, play smart, and listen to your body, there’s no reason you can’t excel at both golf and baseball.

The recommendation for players is to go ahead and enjoy golf as a way to relax and reset mentally. Just be sure to get adequate rest, keep your coaches involved, and focus on sound swing fundamentals that transfer between the two sports. With some care and awareness, the pros seem to outweigh the cons for multisport athletes. Golf and baseball can positively coexist with the right balance and training regimen tailored to your individual needs.

Adrian Cook
Adrian Cook

Hello, I'm Adrian Cook, and I am the author of I have a deep-rooted connection to baseball as I was once an avid player of the sport. Baseball has always held a special place in my heart, and my personal experiences as a player have shaped my understanding and love for the game. Having been on the field, I intimately understand the intricacies, challenges, and joys that come with playing baseball. It is this firsthand experience that allows me to bring a unique perspective to the content I create.

Baseball Basics, Rules, Strategies, and Legends
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