What Is A Sacrifice Bunt In Baseball? What You Need To Know

A sacrifice bunt is an important strategic play in baseball where the batter deliberately bunts the ball in order to advance a base runner (or multiple runners) while sacrificing their own chance to reach base safely. The purpose is to deliberately make an out while advancing runners into scoring position. It involves the batter gently tapping the ball into play, usually towards the first or third base side, so that the ball rolls slowly along the infield allowing the runners to advance.

The sacrifice bunt requires the batter to put aside their personal stats to help the team by moving runners into better scoring position. It is an example of small ball strategy, giving up an out to set up greater run-scoring opportunities. A well-executed sac bunt can put pressure on the defense and lead to more runs scored. The sacrifice bunt declined in usage over recent decades as teams focused more on power hitting, but it remains an important strategic weapon when used properly.

When Is It Used?

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A sacrifice bunt is most commonly used when there is a runner on first or second base and less than two outs. The goal is to advance the runner into scoring position by sacrificing an out. This strategic play is employed to increase the chances of driving in a run with a single or sacrifice fly.

Managers will call for a sacrifice bunt when:

  • There is a runner on first base with no outs or one out. Bunting the runner over to second puts him in scoring position with one out remaining.

  • There is a runner on second base with no outs. Bunting can move him to third, where he can easily score on a groundout or fly ball. This exchanges an out for a highly favorable run-scoring opportunity.

  • The game is tied or close in the later innings. Playing for one run by advancing runners into scoring position takes priority over swinging away.

  • The hitter is not a power threat and moving the runner is more valuable than his at-bat. Pitchers almost always bunt in these spots.

So in key situations when manufacturing a run can make a big difference, managers rely on the sacrifice bunt. It is giving up an out, but improves the chances to drive in the go-ahead or tying run from scoring position.

How To Execute

Properly executing a sacrifice bunt requires precise technique and timing. The batter must angle the bat at about a 45 degree angle, with the barrel of the bat above the hands. This allows the ball to deflect off the bat at an optimal angle to advance the runner. The hands should be together, pinky fingers touching, to control the bat.

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There are two main types of sacrifice bunts – the normal lay down, and the suicide squeeze. For the lay down, the runner on base starts running as soon as the ball is bunted, trying to advance safely to the next base. For the suicide squeeze, the runner starts running as soon as the pitcher begins his motion, hoping to score before the defense can field the bunt. The suicide squeeze is riskier but can catch the defense off guard and lead to a run scored. Either type requires precise bat control by the batter to lay the ball down in a location where it cannot be easily fielded. Mastering bunting technique is essential to successfully executing a sacrifice bunt.

Who Commonly Uses It

The sacrifice bunt is most commonly used by light hitting players like pitchers and middle infielders who do not have high batting averages or power. It allows them to advance a runner into scoring position without relying on their hitting ability. Pitchers in particular will often be called on to lay down a sac bunt, as they tend to be the weakest hitters in a lineup.

The sac bunt is also used frequently by fast runners who can beat out the bunt for a base hit. Speedy players have the ability to drop down a bunt and still reach safely thanks to their quickness. So the sac bunt allows both poor hitters and speedsters to contribute offensively.

Strategic Considerations

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The sacrifice bunt requires giving up an out, so managers must weigh if this is worth the potential run scored or advancement of runners. Surprise can be key – an unexpected bunt against a shifted infield catches the defense off-guard. Not all hitters have the bunting skills to lay down an effective sacrifice, so managers choose the batter wisely.

Advanced analytics have shown the sacrifice bunt is often not the optimal strategic choice. The expected runs scored from a hitter swinging away often exceeds the value of advancing a runner via bunt. Managers must balance playing the percentages while still manufacturing runs the old-fashioned way.

When It Can Backfire

The sacrifice bunt can backfire in a couple key ways. First, the batter can completely miss the bunt attempt and strike out instead, leaving their team with one less out to work with that inning. This is especially risky with two strikes, as the batter has no margin for error. Some argue the rewards rarely outweigh the risks here.

Additionally, the defense may anticipate the bunt and charge aggressively or shift their positioning, making it much harder to lay down a successful one. This could lead to the bunt going right to a fielder for an easy out. Some believe the decreasing success rate of bunts in modern baseball supports being more selective with using them.

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Historical Impact

The sacrifice bunt has played a pivotal role throughout Major League Baseball’s history, with some of the game’s most famous moments involving a well-executed sac bunt.

In the 2016 World Series between the Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians, the Cubs were facing a do-or-die Game 7 when manager Joe Maddon called for a surprise sac bunt early in the game. With two runners on base and no outs, Maddon signaled for batter Javier Baez to lay down a sac bunt, which successfully advanced the runners into scoring position. This bold move set the stage for the Cubs to score two runs that inning, helping propel them to their first World Series title in 108 years.

Some of baseball’s greatest hitters have also been excellent bunters, using the sac bunt strategically throughout their careers. All-time greats like Ty Cobb, Rod Carew, and Ichiro Suzuki mastered the art of the drag bunt, dropping down surprise sac bunts to catch defenses off guard. Other star hitters like Wade Boggs, Pete Rose, and Willie Mays leveraged the sac bunt to advance runners when the situation called for it. Their proficiency bunting helped make them more complete and dangerous offensive players.

While power hitters rarely lay down sac bunts today, some of baseball’s home run kings like Hank Aaron, Frank Robinson, and Harmon Killebrew were also willing and able to drop down a sac bunt when needed. Their strategic use of the sac bunt highlighted their all-around hitting skills and baseball IQ. Even sluggers like Babe Ruth have sac bunt hits on their resumes, showing how the sac bunt was once a more widely utilized weapon by all types of hitters.

Controversy and Declining Usage

The use of the sacrifice bunt has declined significantly in recent years, particularly among sabermetrically-inclined teams like the Houston Astros. This is due to an analytical view that giving up an out is too costly.

Modern analytics have shown the sacrifice bunt to be an overused strategy that reduces run expectancy more than it helps. A sacrifice bunt with a runner on first and no outs decreases run expectancy by 0.33 runs on average.

Some argue the bunt is still useful in certain late game situations, but the numbers indicate it is rarely the optimal strategic choice. Teams like the Astros have nearly abandoned the sacrifice bunt based on this analytical approach. In 2019, AL teams with the DH bunted far less than NL teams, just 0.08 times per game compared to 0.22 times.

As more teams shift their strategy based on sabermetrics, the once common sacrifice bunt has become increasingly rare in MLB. Though some traditionalists argue against this approach, the declining usage reflects an evolution driven by data and analytics.

Notable Sac Bunts in Recent Years

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The sacrifice bunt remains an important strategic weapon for certain situations in today’s game. While its use has declined overall, it can still play a pivotal role at key moments.

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Here are some notable examples from the last couple MLB seasons:

  • In game 4 of the 2022 NLCS, the Phillies’ Kyle Schwarber laid down a sacrifice bunt in the 5th inning against the Padres. This moved two runners into scoring position with one out, setting up a go-ahead 2-run single from J.T. Realmuto. The bunt was a surprise move from Schwarber and helped the Phillies take a 2-1 series lead.

  • During game 2 of the 2022 ALDS, Cleveland’s Amed Rosario dropped a sacrifice bunt to advance a runner to second base against the Yankees. This set up a game-tying RBI single in the 9th inning by Jose Ramirez. Cleveland ended up winning in extra innings, evening the series at 1-1.

  • In a crucial game down the 2021 NL West stretch, the Dodgers’ Max Muncy laid down a sac bunt in the 10th inning against the Giants. This advanced the ghost runner to third, where he would later score the go-ahead run on a sac fly. The bunt helped the Dodgers gain a pivotal extra-inning victory.

  • During the 2021 AL Wild Card game, the Red Sox’s Kyle Schwarber bunted against the Yankees to move a runner into scoring position in the 3rd inning. This set up an RBI single from Xander Bogaerts. The run was important in Boston’s tight 6-2 win to advance.


The sacrifice bunt has long played an important strategic role in baseball, though its usage has declined in recent years. Executed properly, it can advance runners into scoring position late in a close game at the cost of giving up an out. However, the sac bunt has drawbacks – it reduces the chance of a big inning, and some data suggests it hurts more than helps overall.

The sac bunt requires technique, timing, and situational judgment to utilize effectively. Batters aim to get the ball down the first or third base line to advance runners, without popping out or hitting into a double play. Fast runners who can beat out a throw are ideal. It is less common now, as teams favor power hitting over giving up outs.

Still, the sac bunt retains situational value when moving runners over is paramount late in a game or to score the winning run. Players and managers will continue weighing risks vs rewards. Well-executed sac bunts require skill and continue generating excitement. Despite decreased usage, this strategic weapon remains part of baseball’s fabric and history.

Adrian Cook
Adrian Cook

Hello, I'm Adrian Cook, and I am the author of BaseballMatchDay.com. I have a deep-rooted connection to baseball as I was once an avid player of the sport. Baseball has always held a special place in my heart, and my personal experiences as a player have shaped my understanding and love for the game. Having been on the field, I intimately understand the intricacies, challenges, and joys that come with playing baseball. It is this firsthand experience that allows me to bring a unique perspective to the content I create.

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