What Does In The Hole Mean In Baseball?

Baseball is a sport with its own unique terminology, and one phrase that often leaves newcomers puzzled is “in the hole.” This phrase has multiple meanings in the context of baseball and can refer to various aspects of the game. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different scenarios in which the term “in the hole” is used, providing a clear understanding of its significance in baseball.

What is “In the Hole” in Baseball?

In The Hole In Baseball

In baseball, “in the hole” is used to describe the batter who is next in line to bat after the on-deck hitter. When a player is in the hole, they are positioned in the dugout, usually near the exit, ready to step up to the on-deck circle as soon as the current batter finishes their turn at the plate.

Being in the hole allows the batter to mentally prepare for their upcoming at-bat, strategize based on the game situation, and be physically ready to take their place in the on-deck circle.

The Significance of Being “In the Hole”

Being in the hole is significant in baseball as it indicates the order in which the batters will come to the plate. The batter who is in the hole is the third batter in line, following the on-deck hitter.

This position in the batting order has strategic implications, especially when considering the number of runners on base and the game situation. The batter in the hole uses their time in the dugout to observe the pitcher’s performance, assess the fielding positions, and refine their approach for when they step up to the plate.

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Origins of the Term “In the Hole”

The origins of the term “in the hole” in baseball are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated from maritime terminology. The phrase “on the deck” referred to the main area of a ship, while “in the hole” (originally “in the hold”) described the space below the deck where cargo was stored.

The adoption of these terms in baseball likely occurred after World War II, possibly due to their association with aircraft carriers. Just as a pilot waits in their plane on the flight deck, the on-deck hitter waits for their turn at the plate.

Similarly, the term “in the hole” was used to describe the designated spot for pilots below the flight deck, where they would spend time before boarding the plane.

Different Scenarios of “In the Hole” in Baseball

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The term “in the hole” can be used in various scenarios within a baseball game. Let’s explore three common situations where the phrase is applied:

Batting Order

In the context of the batting order, the batter who follows the on-deck hitter is referred to as being “in the hole.” This indicates their position in the sequence of batters and their readiness to step up to the plate. The batter in the hole often stands near the exit of the dugout, equipped with their helmet and bat, ready to move to the on-deck circle once the current batter completes their at-bat.

Count in an At-Bat

Another usage of the term “in the hole” is related to the count in an at-bat. If a batter is down in the count with two strikes, they are considered to be “in the hole.” This means they have one strike left before potentially striking out. Conversely, if a pitcher has thrown three balls, making it a 3-0 count, they are also considered to be “in the hole.” In both cases, the players face a disadvantageous situation and need to adjust their strategy accordingly.

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Gaps Between Fielders

The term “in the hole” can also refer to the gaps between fielders on the baseball field. Specifically, it is used to describe the open areas between the shortstop and third baseman, as well as between the second baseman and first baseman. These gaps are known as the “holes” and represent potential areas where a well-hit ball can pass through for a base hit.


To provide further clarity on the concept of being “in the hole” in baseball, here are some frequently asked questions:

Why do people say “in the hole” in baseball?

The term “in the hole” is used to indicate the batter who is next in line to bat after the on-deck hitter. It helps establish the batting order and allows players, coaches, and fans to anticipate the upcoming batters.

Where does the term “in the hole” come from in baseball?

The term likely originated from maritime language, where “in the hole” referred to the space below the deck on a ship. Its adoption in baseball is believed to have occurred after World War II, possibly due to its association with aircraft carriers.

What are the different meanings of “in the hole” in baseball?

The term “in the hole” can refer to the batter’s position in the batting order, an unfavorable count in an at-bat, or the gaps between fielders on the baseball field.


Understanding the term “in the hole” is essential for grasping the intricacies of baseball. It refers to the batter who follows the on-deck hitter and is next in line to bat. Whether it’s about the batting order, count in an at-bat, or gaps between fielders, being “in the hole” carries strategic significance in the game. The term’s origins in maritime language and its subsequent adoption in baseball exemplify the rich history and unique terminology of the sport.

By comprehending the concept of being “in the hole,” players, coaches, and fans can better appreciate the strategies and dynamics at play in every baseball game.

Adrian Cook
Adrian Cook

Hello, I'm Adrian Cook, and I am the author of BaseballMatchDay.com. I have a deep-rooted connection to baseball as I was once an avid player of the sport. Baseball has always held a special place in my heart, and my personal experiences as a player have shaped my understanding and love for the game. Having been on the field, I intimately understand the intricacies, challenges, and joys that come with playing baseball. It is this firsthand experience that allows me to bring a unique perspective to the content I create.

Baseball Basics, Rules, Strategies, and Legends
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