What is a Bullpen Catcher in Baseball?

A bullpen catcher is a key member of a baseball team’s coaching staff who works closely with the team’s relief pitchers. They are essentially a specialized assistant coach whose main role is to warm up relief pitchers in the bullpen before they enter a game.

The bullpen catcher serves the important purpose of getting relief pitchers physically and mentally prepared to perform at their best right before going into a high-pressure game situation. They play catch with pitchers to get their arms loose and ready, catch their warm-up throws in the bullpen, and provide coaching and feedback on mechanics, pitches, and strategy. A good bullpen catcher can help pitchers optimize their pre-game routine and conditioning. They are an indispensable part of executing late-game pitching strategy for their team.


The bullpen catcher role emerged in the early 20th century as pitching staffs expanded and relievers became more prevalent. In the early days of baseball, teams carried far fewer pitchers and the game was less specialized.

The Cleveland Indians are credited with debuting the first dedicated bullpen catcher in the 1940s. Coach Bill McKechnie decided the team needed an additional catcher to warm up pitchers in the bullpen. He gave the role to Les Narun, a former minor league catcher. From there, the position slowly spread throughout Major League Baseball.

Initially, the bullpen catcher duties were taken on by coaches or former players, not unlike today’s first base coaches. As bullpens expanded, the role took on more importance and became a niche specialty. Teams began hiring and training specific bullpen catchers.

Over the decades, as pitching strategy evolved, the role of the bullpen catcher became more demanding. The specialization of relief pitching required bullpen catchers to warm up a parade of pitchers each game. Pitchers began throwing more pitches and more variety in their warm-ups. This required greater stamina, agility and skills from bullpen catchers. Today, the bullpen catcher plays a vital role helping pitchers prepare to enter the game.


Bullpen Catcher in Baseball

A bullpen catcher has many important duties during games and practices.

Their main responsibilities include:

  • Warming up relief pitchers – A bullpen catcher warms up relievers before they enter a game. This involves catching dozens of warmup pitches to get the pitcher’s arm ready to perform at full strength. They must be able to catch different pitch types like fastballs, curveballs, and sliders.

  • Providing feedback – Bullpen catchers observe pitchers during warmups and look for any issues with their mechanics or pitches. They provide feedback to help pitchers make adjustments before entering the game.

  • Serving as a second set of eyes – Since they have a clear vantage point from the bullpen, bullpen catchers can watch the on-field action and provide information to relief pitchers about game situations, umpire strike zones, and how pitches are moving.

  • Communicating with coaches – Bullpen catchers relay information between the coaching staff and relief pitchers about when a pitcher needs to begin warmups to enter a game.

During practices, bullpen catchers play an important role in running drill stations and catching batting practice. They make sure relievers get enough work to stay sharp. Their duties require endurance, good communication skills, and extensive baseball knowledge.


A bullpen catcher has a unique role in interacting with pitchers, coaches, and other players on the team. They develop close relationships with the pitchers in the bullpen by catching their warm-up throws before and during games. Bullpen catchers provide feedback to pitchers on their mechanics, movement, and location during these throwing sessions. They also consult with pitching coaches to identify any issues pitchers may be having.

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In addition to working with pitchers, bullpen catchers communicate with the manager and coaches about which relievers are ready to enter the game. They have to manage the bullpen and keep pitchers warmed up and ready to play their role when called upon. Bullpen catchers also interact with position players by catching their throws during warm-ups before games. They are an integral part of the team’s pre-game routines. Their relationships across the roster provide bullpen catchers with a unique vantage point on the team’s performance and chemistry.


Bullpen Catcher Baseball

A bullpen catcher needs a wide range of skills to excel in their role. First and foremost, they need strong catching skills to handle pitching deliveries, block balls in the dirt, and frame pitches. Good hand-eye coordination, agility, and strength are crucial.

Since bullpen catchers often serve as an extra coach, coaching and communication abilities are vital. They provide feedback on mechanics, pitch execution, and mental approach. Building relationships and trust with pitchers is key. A bullpen catcher must have the knowledge and instincts to identify delivery issues and make suggestions for improvement.

Strong analytical skills allow bullpen catchers to study hitters’ tendencies and work with pitchers on how to attack weaknesses. Understanding data like pitch velocities, spin rates, and release points is increasingly important.

Bullpen catchers need patience, focus, and discipline to catch numerous practice pitches daily. They must maintain concentration through long seasons. Athleticism and stamina allow them to squat repeatedly and withstand foul tips. Mental toughness and composure under pressure are also essential.

Day in the Life

A bullpen catcher’s day starts early, often arriving at the ballpark 5-6 hours before game time to begin preparations. Once at the stadium, they will first check all the equipment like gloves, masks, etc. to make sure everything is ready to go.

When the pitchers begin arriving, the bullpen catcher heads out to warm up whoever needs throwing. They’ll play catch to help get the pitchers’ arms loose and ready for the game. The bullpen catcher catches anywhere from 1-5 pitchers during pre-game warmups.

Once the game starts, the bullpen catcher sits in the bullpen with the relief pitchers. They are on call to warm up any pitcher who might enter the game that day. They keep detailed notes about how each pitcher is throwing to give feedback. Between innings when a pitcher warms up, the bullpen catcher catches their practice throws and monitors their readiness.

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After the game ends, the bullpen catcher helps pack up all the equipment and reviews the game with the pitchers. They may also work on mechanics or grips with any pitchers who struggled that day. It’s a long day, but rewarding to play a key support role for the pitching staff.


Bullpen catchers face a number of challenges and difficulties in their unique role. One of the biggest challenges is catching dozens of pitches every day, often from pitchers throwing at max effort to warm up. This can lead to a lot of wear and tear on their bodies over a long season. Bullpen catchers also need to build relationships and earn the trust of pitchers, some of whom may be temperamental or difficult to work with.

Mentally, bullpen catchers need to remain focused and attentive throughout games in case they need to warm up a pitcher on short notice. They work long hours and spend a lot of time away from family while traveling with the team.

Overall, it’s a demanding role that requires mental and physical toughness.

Pay and Benefits

Baseball Players Salary

Despite being a very specialized role, bullpen catchers typically earn modest salaries compared to major league players. The average annual salary for a bullpen catcher ranges from $22,000 to $37,000. Their pay can vary based on factors like experience, team budget, and negotiations. However, most earn around the MLB minimum salary.

The main benefits bullpen catchers receive are getting to be part of a major league team, attending games for free, and having access to team facilities. They also receive standard employment benefits like health insurance. While the pay is low for a specialized pro sports position, many view the role as a way to stay involved in high-level baseball if their playing careers end. Some bullpen catchers see it as a potential path to eventually becoming a coach.

Career Path

Most bullpen catchers get their start in professional baseball by being drafted or signed as a player out of high school, college, or an independent league. While they may have some talent, bullpen catchers often do not have the skills to make an MLB roster. However, their ability to work with pitchers, receive pitches, and their baseball experience overall makes them well-suited for a bullpen catcher role.

After their playing career ends or stalls in the minor leagues, many bullpen catchers will be offered the job by the major league organization they were a part of. It allows them to stay involved in professional baseball even if they could not make it as a player. Other routes to becoming a bullpen catcher include having connections within an MLB organization and expressing interest in the role, or being noticed for strong catching abilities while playing independent league baseball.

The bullpen catcher job can serve as a stepping stone for those interested in eventually getting into MLB coaching. Working closely with pitchers allows bullpen catchers to gain experience mentoring players and thinking strategically about pitching. Many bullpen catchers leverage their relationships and knowledge to earn coaching positions, often starting as a coach in the minor league system they came up through as a player. Other bullpen catchers become full-time coaches or scouts.

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So while not a glamorous playing career, being a bullpen catcher can open doors to staying in baseball long-term.

Famous Bullpen Catchers

Throughout baseball history, there have been many well-known and beloved bullpen catchers who have contributed greatly to their teams’ successes.

Here are some of the most famous bullpen catchers over the years:

  • Rudy Arias – Arias was the bullpen catcher for the New York Yankees from 1983 to 1989 during their dominant years. He worked with pitchers like Dave Righetti, Rich Gossage, and Ron Guidry and was beloved by players for his positive attitude and strong work ethic.

  • Scott Cursi – Cursi has been the bullpen catcher for the Boston Red Sox since 2003 and is the longest tenured bullpen catcher in team history. He has caught countless bullpen sessions for Red Sox stars such as Pedro Martinez, Curt Schilling, and Jonathan Papelbon over the past two decades.

  • Rob Flippo – Flippo was the bullpen catcher for the Chicago Cubs from 2000 to 2013 during the Sammy Sosa era and helped lead the team to two playoff berths in 2003 and 2007. He was popular among Cubs players for his tireless efforts to support the pitching staff (Wikipedia).

  • Jason Phillips – Phillips has been the bullpen catcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers since 2012 and has worked with star pitchers like Clayton Kershaw and Kenley Jansen. He is known for his strong catching skills and ability to build rapport with pitchers.


Do bullpen catchers only work with relief pitchers?

A: While bullpen catchers primarily work with relief pitchers during warm-ups, they may also assist starting pitchers and contribute to pre-game preparations.

Are bullpen catchers former players?

A: While some bullpen catchers may have a playing background, it is not a prerequisite. Many are skilled individuals who have developed expertise in catching and understanding pitchers.

How does one become a bullpen catcher?

A: There is no fixed path to becoming a bullpen catcher. It often involves a combination of catching skills, knowledge of the game, and building relationships within the baseball community.


In the intricate dance of baseball, the bullpen catcher emerges as a silent but influential partner, playing a crucial role in the success of a team’s pitching staff. From the precision required in warm-ups to the evolution of their role with technology, bullpen catchers are the unsung heroes behind the scenes.

So, the next time you witness a seamlessly executed warm-up in the bullpen, take a moment to appreciate the mastery of the bullpen catcher – the guardian of the pitcher’s preparation and an essential figure in the intricate ballet of America’s pastime.

Adrian Cook
Adrian Cook

Hello, I'm Adrian Cook, and I am the author of BaseballMatchDay.com. I have a deep-rooted connection to baseball as I was once an avid player of the sport. Baseball has always held a special place in my heart, and my personal experiences as a player have shaped my understanding and love for the game. Having been on the field, I intimately understand the intricacies, challenges, and joys that come with playing baseball. It is this firsthand experience that allows me to bring a unique perspective to the content I create.

Baseball Basics, Rules, Strategies, and Legends
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